The second times a charm Racine Charter Fishing
Silver King Charters has many repeat customers each season but few that are as helpful or as good landing fish as Chad and his friends from Iowa. Chad and Chris are on the left and Joel and Steve on the right. Last year we ran a Milwaukee Charter Trip on Lake Michigan near the end of the season. We struggled on that trip and I did not expect a call back. When Chad called about a spring Coho trip I was excited to get the second chance to give them a better fishing experience.
These guys knew their fishing and understood conditions can just make fishing tough. This trip was anything but tough. We set up in 160 feet of water just south of Wind Point in Racine Wisconsin and started trolling south. It took about 14 minutes to set lines and after a slight speed adjustment we had a quad or 4 fish hit at once. This was a great way to start a trip!
The spring is a great time for Coho salmon and 80 percent of the catch in May is Coho's but 3 of the first 4 fish that came off the quad were Chinook salmon. Two were four year olds, weighing 15 and 17 pounds. The other was a 3 year old coming in at 9 pounds. The forth fish ended up being a Coho. All four fish cam between 80 to 120 feet down. These guys were great on the rods and took almost no coaching on there first round of fish.
During the first hour of the trip most of the fish came deep and hit large flashers and flies off downriggers, wire dipsies and copper wire. Chris battle a fish off the copper set up and said he would skip his turn if a fish came on that again The copper runs back 300 feet, so it can get down deep where the fish are but it is a lot of reeling.
By the second hour the Coho salmon started to go near the surface in the top 20 feet. These fish were hitting small peanut flies and orange dodgers. The fish were coming off board rods and shallow running power pro dipsies. There were some slow periods but if there is not a fish on, it is a slow time for us.
Last time these guys were out we had plenty of time to talk and about our jobs and fishing experiences but this trip there were few times that they weren't battling fish. Chad's crew ended up going 22 for 24 in 3 hours of fishing for a 91.6 percent hook up to landing ratio, if I could only come close to this in tournaments. The guys were also helpful cleaning fish when the fish cleaning station was closed and one of my electric knives failed. I should have tipped them.
I have run many trips for clients from Iowa and it has always been a great experience for me. Chad, Chris, Joel and Steve I hope to see you back with Silver King Charters again and next time I will have the names down. Enjoy the fish!